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Building Communities. Preventing Violence.

We can all help young people
grow up in violence free relationships and communities.
This toolkit provides resources to help you and your partners understand, strengthen, and promote ways to prevent violence young people experience.

Explore the Toolkit

Youth Violence Prevention

Youth violence is a widespread but preventable public health problem that negatively affects youth, families, and communities across the United States. It is an adverse childhood experience (ACE) and a type of community violence that impacts young people and limits their opportunities to thrive and live healthy lives.

Now is the time to work together to promote prevention strategies that use the best available evidence to promote safe, healthy, and supportive schools and communities for young people.

Image of hand holding a picture of people holding hands

Learn about youth violence, factors that create and sustain it, and what can be done

Youth Violence
multi-ethnic family drawing

Discover stories from the field that highlight promising prevention efforts

in Action
teacher in front of board of pie charts drawing

Use engaging assets to communicate your work to others

Promotional Tools